Dependable Solution For A Wide Range Of Challenging Drilling Applications
The OptiDrill™ system is Newpark’s invert emulsion diesel and mineral oil-based drilling fluid designed to meet the challenges of our clients in demanding fluid environments.
OptiDrill fluid system is a proven, dependable solution for many drilling environments. Newpark’s technology and attention to high functioning system components fuels the OptiDrill oil-based system’s widespread popularity in many challenging drilling basins.
Newpark customizes the OptiDrill systems to meet the needs of each drilling operation, providing for a wide range of rheological, filtration and wetting characteristics as dictated by the various pressure, temperature and downhole conditions. At the same time, OptiDrill fluid maintains stability, even in the presence of high electrolyte or acid gas situations.
When shale stability and high-angle holes are encountered, the OptiDrill fluid system becomes a viable answer. The system provides fast rates of penetration (ROP), minimizes formation damage, minimizes the occurrence of stuck pipe, and increases borehole stability. Whether the need is for a low-density or high-density fluid, OptiDrill minimizes reaction with the formation and effectively removes drilled solids.
Optidrill case studies
- OptiMul™ HP high-performance emulsifier increases stability and reduces fluid loss in Newpark’s OptiDrill or OptiPhase™ drilling fluid system. As a one-drum application, it replaces traditional primary and secondary emulsifiers. OptiMul HP offers flatter gels and a higher resistance to drilled solids when compared to traditional emulsifiers.
- OptiMul™ II and VP-Mul™ primary emulsifiers are liquid blends of organic fatty acids that establish an interfacial-stabilized water-in-oil emulsion in Newpark’s OptiDrill or OptiPhase drilling fluid systems.
- OptiPlus™ II and VP-Plus™ secondary emulsifiers are liquid blends of polyamides that stabilize the water-in-oil emulsion in Newpark’s OptiDrill or OptiPhase drilling fluid systems.
- OptiThin™ wetting agent effectively thins when new solids or barite are introduced (as during weight-up) and is a supplemental emulsifier.
- OptiTrol™ HPHT filtration control agent is an organic polymer that is particularly useful when bottomhole temperatures exceed 350°F (177°C).
- OptiVis™ RM rheology modifier is an organic polymeric material comprising of very high molecular weight organic acids.
- OptiWet™ wetting agent is a liquid blend of emulsifying and wetting agents which provides fluid stability for the OptiDrill or OptiPhase diesel or mineral oil-based fluids at high temperatures. It also minimizes high shear rate viscosities.
- OptiG™ filtration control agent is a naturally occurring asphaltite used for reducing HPHT filtrate in diesel or mineral oil-based drilling fluids.
- OptiLube™ is an extremely effective lubricant blend used in oil-based drilling fluids. OptiLube improves OBM fluid performance via reduced torque and stick-slip.