High-performance drilling fluids systems for challenging conditions
The Newpark portfolio of non-aqueous fluids drilling fluid systems range from industry-standard diesel- or mineral oil‑based drilling fluids (OBM) to highly specialized synthetic-based drilling systems.
Our non-aqueous drilling fluids are invert emulsion drilling fluids. Highly adaptable to various pressures, temperatures, and wellbore conditions – the water phase is emulsified in a continuous oil phase. Making these fluids stable in the presence of high electrolyte concentrations, soluble gases, and high temperatures.
Developing sustainable options
We are constantly expanding the capabilities and applications of our water-based drilling fluids system. Our fluids specialist can advise you on where these more sustainable drilling fluids are a suitable alternative for your well.

Explore Our Portfolio Of Industry-Leading Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluid Solutions
Our specialists can advise on the right non-aqueous system for your application – customizing the formulation to address specific issues or enhance performance.